Rencontre avec Murielle Szac – L’Homme et la Mer


03 April 2025

As part of our year around Man and the Sea, Murielle Szac will discuss her new collection of poems, Elles ont surgid d'une vague, published by Bruno Doucey and will return to several of her publications taking place in the heart of the Mediterranean.

Murielle Szac is a writer, editor and collection director. She has published more than twenty works (novels, poetry collections, essays) for young people and adults. She delved into the heart of Greek mythology with the series Le Feuilleton d'Hermès, de Thésée, d'Ulysse et d'Artémis. If there was only one common thread to remember in all her work, it would be transmission and commitment.

  • L'Artistique
    27 Boulevard Dubouchage
    06200 Nice

  • Free of charge.

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