They joined the network

Because being involved in organizing an international convention is as gratifying for you as for your team and destination, several professionals have already joined us. Discover some of them.

Professor Olivier GUERIN

Olivier Guérin has been awarded a knighthood by the Ministry of Health. Since February 2021, he has been a member of the Scientific Council that advises the government on the Covid-19 pandemic.

A university professor and former president of the French Geriatrics Society, he is head of the geriatrics division of the Nice University Hospital. He was also deputy mayor of Nice from 2014 to 2020, responsible for health.

With his staff, he is developing the digital theme for Health and Autonomy by creating assessment and experimentation platforms dedicated to these aspects within the Centre for Innovation and Usages in Health.

He is also involved in research in Molecular Biology alongside Professor Eric Gilson in the Cancer and Aging Research Institute of Nice (IRCAN, University Research Centre/INSERM/CNRS).

Doctor Matthieu DURAND

Expert urologist, founder of the Planète Med agency

Cornell graduate and researcher at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinaia New York, Dr. Matthew Durand was raised in an international medical culture that led him to found Planète Med, a communication agency specializing in health matters since 2011, including media plans and health content productions for customers interested in the implementation of actions or campaigns targeting doctors.

Professor Jean GUGENHEIM

Hospital practitioner (PU-PH) 1st class, Head of Digestive Surgery and Liver Transplantation Centre C.H.U. Nice, Archet Hospital, University Professor

Head of University Diploma in Coelio-Surgery at the Medecine Faculty of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University

Head of Specialized Studies Diploma Supplement of Digestive Surgery, Medecine Faculty of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University

Professor Patrick MICHEL

Senior Researcher at CNRS, Astrophysicst PhD., Engineering diploma in aeronautics and space techniques, leader of the Team Theories and Observations in Planetalogy at the Lagrange Laboratory of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur.

He is a specialist of small bodies of the Solar System, our best tracers of the origin of the Solar System and its planets. With more than 90 publications in international peer-review journals, he develops numerical simulations of the impact process between asteroids and of the surface behaviors in conditions that are very different than those on Earth. He is the lead scientist of the space mission study AIDA in collaboration with ESA and NASA, which aims at performing a test of deflection of a potentially hazardous asteroid and is a science team member of two asteroid sample return space missions, OSIRIS-REx (NASA) and Hayabusa 2 (JAXA), launched in 2016 and 2014, respectively.

He was awarded the Carl Sagan Medal by the Division of Planetary Science of the American Astronomical Society for Excellence in Public Communication in Planetary Science. An asteroid is named after him: (7561) Patrickmichel.

Doctor Brigitte LAMY

Master of Conferences of Universities

Hospital Practitioner in Bacteriology at the CHU of Nice, her preferred subject concerns bacteraemia, in its clinical, diagnostic, teaching and research aspects. Her involvement takes place at a local level, within the CHU in Nice and the INSERM U1065 (C3M) unit, as well as at national and European levels, in particular in terms of recommendations for good diagnostic practices. It also promotes rapid diagnostic techniques to improve patient management. Her activities lead her to organize congresses on an international dimension.

Professor Patrick BAQUÉ

Lecturer of Universities and Professor of Universities

Surgeon, Professor of Anatomy – General Surgery at the CHU of Nice.

Doctor of Medicine in 1998, Pr. Patrick Baqué studied at the Faculty of Medicine and at the CHU of Nice, successively occupying the functions of Hospital Student, Hospital Internal, University Hospital Assistant, Hospital Practitioner, Lecturer of Universities and Professor of Universities – Hospital Practitioner since 2006. He was elected Dean of the UFR Médecine de Nice in March 2013. He is involved in many theoretical and practical courses.

Currently responsible for surgery in the Adult-SAMU-SMUR Emergency Unit of the CHU de Nice (hospital Pasteur 2) and the visceral surgery department of L’Archet 2 hospital. His areas of expertise are general emergency surgery, Digestive surgery and digestive cancer.

Professor Eric ROSENTHAL

Eric Rosenthal is full professor of Internal Medicine, University Côte d’Azur.

His is Head of the Regional Referral Center for Autoimmune Cytopenias, President of the HIV/AIDS Regional Coordination Center and member of the Coordinated Action for clinical trials in HIV infection and viral hepatitis at the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis. He has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Winner of the Fred Siguier prize awarded by the French Society of Internal Medicine, He is Hospital Practitioner at the Centre Hospitalier de Nice. After completing a post doctoral fellowship at the Lupus Research Unit, St. Thomas ‘ Hospital in London, he has been appointed University Professor and Chair of the internal medicine division at the Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. He founded the French-British Symposium in Internal Medicine, bi-annual meeting held in Nice since 2006 and co-organised the 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity in Nice in March 2014.

Specialist of HIV infection, he has been member of the HIV/Leishmania coinfection Expert Group (CDS/NTD/DM) at the World Health Organisation. He is currently member of the Coordinated Action for clinical trials in HIV infection and viral hepatitis at the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis and he is co-author of the French guidelines addressed for the treatment of coinfected patients. Since 2012 he presides the HIV/AIDS Regional Coordination Center (COREVIH PACA-EST), institution that coordinates all the team of health professionals, patients’ associations and public health authorities, in the areas of prevention, screening, care and research on HIV/AIDS.

Professor Armelle MANIERE-EZVAN

Professeur, Université Côte d’Azur

  • Doctor in Dental Surgery
  • Doctor of State in Dentistry
  • Specialist Qualified in ODF
  • Professor of Universities, U.F.R of Odontology, University Côte d’Azur, Member of University Côte d’Azur
  • Hospital Practitioner Pôle Odontologie CHU Saint Roch
  • Dean of the Faculty of Odontology of Nice
  • Member of the Scientific Commission of the Internship in Odontology
  • Member and Past-President of the National College of Occlusodontology
  • Member of the European Academy of Cranio-mandibular Disorders (full member)

Professor Pierre MARTY

Professor of Universities, Hospital practitioner

  • Hospital practitioner in Parasitology-Mycology, Doctor in Medicine, Doctor in Human Biology, Specialist in Medical Biology and Tropical Medicine.
  • Head of Parasitology-Mycology Department of the University Hospital Center of Nice at the L’Archet Hospital.
  • Responsible for a research team on leishmaniasis in the INSERM 1065 Unit at University Côte d’Azur
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Nice for International Relations
  • President of sub-section 45-02 of the National Council of Universities.
  • Author of numerous scientific publications since 2011

Doctor Maria DUCA

Doctor, in charge of Research at the CNRS, section Chemistry and Living

  • -uthorized to conduct research (HDR), University Côte d’Azur,
  • PhD in Molecular Biochemistry
  • Author of 24 publications, 2 chapters of books and a patent
  • Winner of the Michel Delalande Prize, Academy of Pharmacy, Paris, France in 2007
  • “Research Associate” Department of Chemistry – University of Virginia, USA from 2002 to 2005
  • Laureate of the Prix Alexandre Joël, ARC (Association for Research Against Cancer), France in 2004

Doctor Stéphane AZOULAY

University lecturer, chemical engineer graduated from ESCPE Lyon

  • Lecturer, Institute of Chemistry of Nice,
  • Ability to conduct research (HDR)
  • Doctorate holder at University Côte d’Azur
  • Holder of the DEA in Organic Fine Chemistry at Lyon I University
  • Graduate in Engineering from the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique (ESCPE) in Lyon, option in Chemistry and Process Engineering, specializing in organic chemistry.
  • Member of the French Society of Medicinal Chemistry

Doctor Florence BASTIANI

Pediatric surgeon, qualified in general surgery and pediatric surgery

  • Head of the pediatric surgery department of the pediatric hospitals of Nice CHU Lenval
  • Expert at the Court of Appeal of Aix en Provence
  • Member of the French Society of Pediatric Surgery
  • Member of the Francophone Society of Urology of Children and Adolescents
  • Member of the European Society of Pediatric Endosurgery
  • Is particularly interested in pediatric urology and the development of the management of the child handicap.

Professor Thierry PICHE

Professor of Universities – Hospital Practitioner in Gastroenterology of the Hospitals of Nice

  • President of the CME of the CHU of Nice
  • Secretary General of the French Group of Neurogastroenterology (GFNG)
  • Founding member of the association of patients with the Irritable bowed syndrome (APSSII)
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the French Federation of Digestive Cancerology
  • Lecturer in Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine of Nice
  • Interregional Coordinator of Gastroenterology DES Education
  • Laureate of the Gold Medal Competition of the CHU of Nice (medical branch), May 1998,
  • Laureate of the IRMAD funds 2009 (20k €) and Laureate of the research fund SNFGE (2015)
  • Author of numerous works, publications and articles

Professor Thomas CLUZEAU

Hospital Practitioner in Hematology at the CHU of Nice

  • Authorized to conduct research (HDR), University Côte d’Azur,
  • Principal investigator in characterization of the Mechanisms of Resistance to Azacitidine
  • Principal investigator in syndromes of leukemia
  • Former teacher at the University Côte d’Azur, and Paris Diderot 7 University
  • Member of the Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH)
  • Member of the European Hematology Association (EHA)
  • Member of the MDS Foundation
  • Member of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
  • Member of the French GFM Group (Groupe Francophone des Myélodysplasies)
  • Member of the ALFA Group (Alfa Leukemia French Association)
  • Member of the GRAALL Group (Group for Research in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)

Doctor Pia PAROLIN

After a university degree in Germany at Bielefeld and the Max Planck Limnology Institute in Plön, she completed her studies at the Amazonian Research Institute in Manaus, Brazil.
She lived in the Amazon for her research for several years.

Her favorite themes are:
– Ecology of Amazon floodplain forests
– Biological Pest Management.

She has published and co-authored more than 200 scientific articles and books, particularly on the theme of Forest Ecology.
Outside of her career as an Ecologist, she has been passionate about Photography from the age of 9 years.
She has lived on the Côte d’Azur for 12 years now, a land that inspires her a lot in her Photographic works. Her passion led her to publish a book of her photos, to win the “Prix de l’Affiche” at PhotoMenton 2017 and her photos are sold worldwide on more than 3 continents.

Jean-Marie ROMANO

Manipulator in Imaging and Radiotherapy

  • South-East Corsica Regional President of the French Association of Paramedic Personnel of Electroradiology
  • Responsible for the organization of regional, national and international congresses (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Principality of Monaco) as part of the continuing professional training for manipulators, on the different themes of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy, such as :
    2007: National Congress of Manipulators at Palais Acropolis, Nice
    2018: French Days of MRI Palais Acropolis, Nice
    2020: French Days of Scanner Acropolis Palace, Nice

Doctor Christian BRAENDLE

Doctor and Director of Research at the Valrose Institute of Biology at the University of Nice – Université Cote d’Azur – CNRS – Inserm

  • Winner of the Swiss youth science competition “Schweizer Jugend Forscht” in 1994
  • Graduated in biology at the University of Basel, Princeton University and Cambridge University
  • Institut Jacques Monod in Paris from 2004 to 2007
  • ATIP Young Researcher Award from CNRS in 2008
  • Centre d’Immunologie Luminy in Marseille in 2008
  • Laureate of the Schlumberger Foundation for Education and Research (FSER) in 2010
  • Berlin Institute for Advanced Studies – 2012
  • Author of numerous works, publications and articles on evolution and genetics
  • Member of the organizing committee of the NICE – seq Seminar Series

Doctor Benoit HUET

Actively involved in many collaborative research projects with industrial as well as academic institution

  • Dr. Benoit Huet is Assistant Professor in the multimedia information processing group of Eurecom (France).
  • In 1993, he was awarded the MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Westminster (UK) with distinction, where he then spent two years working as a research and teaching assistant.
  • He received his DPhil degree in Computer Science from the University of York (UK) for his research on the topic of object recognition from large databases.
  • He was awarded the HDR (Habilitation to Direct Research) from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France in October 2012 on the topic of Multimedia Content Understanding: Bringing Context to Content.

Professor Jérôme DELOTTE

University Professor – Hospital Practitioner

  • Head of the Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics-Reproduction and Fetal Medicine of the University Hospital of Nice
  • Head of the “Woman-Mother-Child” division of the University Hospital of Nice
  • Technical and Teaching Director of the School of Midwives of Nice
  • Associate Professor of the Chair in Women’s Health Education (Laval University / Quebec – Canada and Université Côte d’Azur)

Professor Anne VUILLEMIN

Professor in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) at the University of Côte d’Azur and member of the Laboratoire Motricité Humaine Expertise Sport Santé (LAMHESS).

It is particularly involved in promoting physical activity that is beneficial to health and in the field of public health. She is currently Secretary General of the French Society of Public Health (SFSP) and an elected member of the steering committee of the HEPA Europe network (European Network for the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity) led by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Doctor Pamela MOCERI

University Lecturer – Hospital Practitioner

• University Lecturer
• Hospital Practitioner in Cardiology, MD, PhD,
• Responsible for the competence center for the management of complex congenital heart diseases and pulmonary hypertension at the Nice University Hospital.

With her teams, she is developing the theme of cardiac imaging and digital advances in Cardiology. She is also involved in digital heart research in association with the Epione team at INRIA (Sophia-Antipolis)


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