“Covers au sommet” concert


From 13 July to 31 August 2024

Music competition for amateur groups.

Covers au sommet gives cover bands the chance to take to the stage and be heard by professionals.
From 1 July to 31 August, every Saturday at 6pm, a group will take to the stage to perform their show.
The jury and audience will assess the performance each week. The best-rated band of the summer will win the trophy and a host of prizes.

Who can take part?
Covers au sommet is a competition open to amateur artists in groups, with no age limit.
You must have a repertoire of at least 45 minutes to take part.
All musical genres are welcome.

Prizes include
A live concert at Isola 2000 next winter,
a studio recording
airplay on France Bleu Azur.


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