Daniel Barnier exhibition


From 26 July to 02 August 2024

Daniel Barnier exhibition

An exhibition is an opportunity to confront the gaze, judgment and criticism of the public.

The paintings presented by Daniel Barnier reflect his tastes and the events that marked him: music, dance, the sea, women, football. Cities too like Paris, Monaco, Nice, New York...
Some paintings are a tribute to certain painters he admires.
The red line is color, not truth but sensation, emotion, life. Art doesn’t have to be reasonable. It can be seductive, enigmatic, moving or subversive, but never reasonable... It would no longer be art, says Daniel Barnier.
Through his work, art is seen in multiple ways, by turns facetious or dreamy, but never innocent.

At a time when certain barbarians dream of locking us in the darkness and night of the senses, it is fundamental to oppose them with the language of shapes and colors. The language of ideas and emotions.


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